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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2018

Mamasaurus is such a cute way to describe that I would rip you open and eat your insides if you hurt my child hoodie

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I have been saying for months now that the Fake News is the number one threat to this country. People with common sense can't possibly believe most of the news (opinions) they report! I for one am getting sick of the BS. They are following the Communist Manefesto as are the left politicians...Each step is to bring America down. And taking over the Mamasaurus is such a cute way to describe that I would rip you open and eat your insides if you hurt my child hoodie is one of the steps...If Hillary had won she would have finished taking our Country down to finish Obama's transformation of America into poverty from posperity President Trump. I pray and give thanks to God every day for putting you in the White House.

Great music I use music to help make great kids sweater

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Sarah Collins a bit like football and the Olympics then, love island hasn’t interested me either but I’m aware of how many people it has, we all have the Great music I use music to help make great kids sweater to watch what we want, you chose not to, well done, it’s finished now so you will have to find something else to whine about. Sarah Collins aren't they!? Thing I find sad is folk nowadays get more excited about watching, following and voting for supposed reality TV shows than they do about general and local elections. They care less about the state of the country than they do who wore what and, who did what with who on a TV program. Buy it:  Great music I use music to help make great kids sweater Home:  https://imagexshirts.com/

Official I work harder than an ugly stripper shirt

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Carole Neil i was thinking the same thing!! I think he means he works/worked in a charity shop for one of the rip off charities or that he has a small charity and has completely missed your point! Gary Edgar so even the suits at the Official I work harder than an ugly stripper shirt are volunteers? I think you'll find if they not paid their over valued expenses are. No travel lodge overnight stays for them. Where there's milk there's cream and where there's cream there's cats. Yes they were but they grew too big, small local charities tend to stay that way as long as government and the authorities and celebs leave them alone. Buy it on  Official I work harder than an ugly stripper shirt From:  https://imagexshirts.com/

Easily distracted by jeeps and dogs hoodie

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It wouldn't be surprising, paedophiles with such tendencies always gravitate to careers, jobs, activities that allow them to carry out such crimes. Charities which are no more than large businesses feeding crumbs to the needy will be afraid of losing revenue by having to face the Easily distracted by jeeps and dogs hoodie . It's best to avoid big charities, they're too corrupt now. Give to small local causes who really help people who need it and you get to see what your money is spent on.  The Clintons are prime examples of what you just stated. Our government has become extremely corrupt and we must dissent and attempt to build a true democracy! Buy it:  Easily distracted by jeeps and dogs hoodie Home: imagexshirts

Autism awareness sunflower dreamcatcher hoodie

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Hello world! I said that they should be on a bar code so the authorities could get to them. So if you were in an accident, the Autism awareness sunflower dreamcatcher hoodie could have a reader that immediately brings up allergies and blood type, etc. That could actually save a life. I don’t understand why people object to them. They carry a driving licence, they get a passport, older people get a bus pass and don’t object. All their details are on these things. It would make life easier for people to open bank accounts, join clubs etc, youngsters could prove their age when asked. Buy it:  Autism awareness sunflower dreamcatcher hoodie Home:  1stees

Official Class of 2019 mom some people wait their entire lives shirt

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We should have had ID cards years ago. One way to stop people using the NHS free of charge - no ID card hand over your credit or debit card. It can't be that difficult. I really don't see the issue with this. Yes, we have driver's licences - but what about all the people who don't drive? I would like to see it having the Official Class of 2019 mom some people wait their entire lives shirt important health information as well - or a bar code that authorities could read to get it - like blood group, any allergies (particularly to morphine and penicillin, etc.) and next of kin contact details, plus organ donation information. This could be a positive yet all people hear is 'Big Brother' - well, guess what, big brother is watching you already via CCTV, an ID card isn't going to make that wors. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/class-2019-mom-people-wait-entire-lives-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

In my defense I was left unsupervised sweater

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I want to applaud the police in this case. Sensible use of time and money to consider the case closed after him being fired. Which I also think was the correct decision of the business. If that was my logo on that car I would be pissed if he did that. I do it and get a kick out of it, I've also been splashed at and laugh it off. I don't take somebody's dinner away for it. I remember my Dad telling me that everyone was issued a National Identity card during WW2 but nobody liked it. As soon as the In my defense I was left unsupervised sweater , everyone burnt their cards as part of the celebrations as nobody wanted that type of thing in peace time. Sad to think that it is now something that needs to be considered again. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/defense-left-unsupervised-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official October girl tennessee whiskey strawberry wine glass of brandy shirt

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The same two police officers who were filmed when her partner was taken out of the house by paramedics. Check out the clip - if it's not been removed was on a BBC news article; the Official October girl tennessee whiskey strawberry wine glass of brandy shirt , but the coppers were in standard uniform. I think they would have made sure everyone would be safe to allow a funeral (physical remains/body/remains in lead lined coffin) rather than a memorial (no physical remains/body or coffin) so I doubt they'd need hazmat suits, if there was any danger they wouldn't give the go ahead for an actual funeral. Buy it:  Official October girl tennessee whiskey strawberry wine glass of brandy shirt From:  imagexshirts

Sixteen Candles yeah you sweater

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I prefer what the “Boy” Scouts did because I could do what I want, do what I wanted and have fun. The local girl guide group were not into outdoors, it was arts and crafts and how to be a good house wife, not what I wanted to do. Go to Europe and Scouts and Guides meet together, it’s how it should be. This world now a days is mixed, women wanting the Sixteen Candles yeah you sweater . Maybe having a girls only boxing club will encourage girls to join and one day it will become mixed. Young women are still put down, ogled and sexualised rather than loved for who they are. That is why young girls need a male free environment sometimes to try what is perceived by some egotistical men to be a mans sports when in fact it is just exercise. Is this clearer for you? Buy it:  Sixteen Candles yeah you sweater From:  1stees

When women reach a certain age they start to collect cats hoodie

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The lack of support for the Women's National Basketball Association is the butt of many jokes. Though our ladies' football* team is fairly highly regarded (granted they lack significant competition from countries who don't support such things, something we should all care more about than this nonsense.) So why don't people care about all sports being open to all genders? Sign Mia Hamm to Manchester! Give Sheryl Swoopes a multi-million dollar contract with the When women reach a certain age they start to collect cats hoodie ! (I'm pretty sure at least one has retired, but my ignorance is part of the point). Or is this just another cheap shot at feminism? Buy it:  When women reach a certain age they start to collect cats hoodie Home:  https://1stees.com/

Cool Take me as I am or kiss my ass eat shit shirt

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Lets wait when the time comes. When all the nurses here will go abroad and the Philippines will have a shortage of nurses. Maybe that time they will realized it. As nurse here in the Cool Take me as I am or kiss my ass eat shit shirt that our profession is being taking for granted and being forgotten by our own government. Yes I did it initially for the money as my parents, who are professors, insisted me on doing back then. However, that doesn't mean it would deny me or any of my fellow nurses of their right to ask for just compensation for their hard work. Just like, some policemen who got into the force not because they wanted to serve and protect but rather just to have a secure career, not all people do what they do because of their profession's intended purpose. Most people get into their professions due to need and not plain passion and desire to do it as a calling. Since you mentioned that you are also in the Healthcare industry, then you must be aware of the risks, da...

Official I try to be good but I take after my grandma shirt

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 Because nurses don't demand salary increase. We request it. And i haven't heard of nurses strutting down the street having a rally, because we prioritize life.  I am a nurse and at the same time a teacher. Why did i pursue a teaching profession? Because i cannot wait for the increase of nurses' wage. I have mouths to feed, children to send to school. Will I make what I make now as a teacher if I am still at the Official I try to be good but I take after my grandma shirt ? Probably not. Nurses need to feed their families also. But with a meager salary, it's not even enough to get by if you are single. So yeah, I took the easy way out. But it does not mean that i left my nursing profession too. In my heart, I am still a nurse. And when the day comes that nurses will finally get what we deserve as protectors of health, I might just get back to nursing, even if it meant studying again. I hope the president will hear us out. Buy it on  Official I try to be good but I ...

Just a mom trying not to raise asshole sweater

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Thank you! This is the perfect description of how we live in my house, but it stops at the door bc it’s not how the Just a mom trying not to raise asshole sweater likes to interact. Your reminder to take it into life is exactly what we need. My daughter came home with a hand written invitation inviting her to come over and watch tv . I loved it because they don't need much more to enjoy each other's company.  More and more kids are making their own invites- and I love it too! My son gets them and the kids have drawn little pictures on them  it’s great.  My son painstakingly wrote out and then mailed invites to his sleepover birthday. He wanted his friends to get mail from him. Buy it:  https://imagexshirts.com/product/just-mom-trying-not-raise-asshole-shirt/ From:  https://imagexshirts.com/

Forget mama bear I’m a mama shark do do do hoodie

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You know what else I love. The party wasn't anything fancy either. No indoor play place, no trampoline park, just good fun with friends in the most familiar of places that the birthday girl feels most at ease and most herself. This lends everyone else to be the same during the party. Good fun, easy going, smaller amounts of chaos, better connection and sharing of girl time. I love everything about this. This makes me laugh. Because when Chloe was 6, she wrote out handmade invitations to all of her girl classmates to come over for a princess party. (She was a tad ahead in her class and found the time to do it there.) She mailed them using flag stickers and somehow they all made it thru the post. I had no idea until the Forget mama bear I’m a mama shark do do do hoodie of when a friend asked what they should bring. I was home alone with two other kids (one being an infant) and couldn't even begin to try to throw that last minute party. Now looking back I kinda wish I would have ...

Official Kinda busy being a mommy Shark floral shirt

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What does this really matter. The money spent on this research would be far better served sorting out the 'Climatic and Environmental Issues' HERE ON EARTH. This is at best 'Theoretical' and the scientists, though they may believe themselves to be beyond reproach they have one 'Primary Aim'. To create theories in order to keep themselves employed. I can understand this, but we need their brains to be solving the Official Kinda busy being a mommy Shark floral shirt . There is little chance that man will ever colonise Mars, LOL, I am an ardent Startrek Fan, brought up on 'Dan Dare' in the Eagle Comic for boys. I Love the Fantasy of it All but I am 73 years old and, in my view, able to separate Fact from Fiction. Donald Trump aims to put 'America First'. I say 'Put Earth First', 'Put Our World Right' this should be 'Our Prime Objective'. Buy it:  Official Kinda busy being a mommy Shark floral shirt Home:  https://1stees....

Official Shut your cock holster gun shirt

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Do you know what, American people, I am pissed off with the Official Shut your cock holster gun shirt news about your country that is flashed around the world news. You people of America start sorting "YOUR" own problems and let the rest of the wold sort out their own problems. Yo stupid punk a$$ husband walked up to a stranger, pushed the stranger over, then got his dumb a$$ shot over a parking space! Maybe more people will start thinking before they start pushing other people around? Ya all think that this may be exactly why they got that 'stand yo ground law' in the first place? Buy it:  https://1stees.com/shut-cock-holster-gun-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Leaders of the revolution Division 4 shirt

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 I think the main difference is that Amy was a more public addict than Demi. She had a major downward spiral in front of the Official Leaders of the revolution Division 4 shirt , whereas Demi’s comes off more as a “silent suffering.” I remember how people treated Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, or even Demi when she was first hospitalized as a teen (I think she was that young, anyways) maybe times have changed, but I’m assuming Demi just made herself look better, as opposed to the unapologetic addict. Buy it here on  Official Leaders of the revolution Division 4 shirt Home: 1stees

Official Teenage mutant ninja squirtles shirt

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 Former President Jimmy Carter invited America's number one enemy at the time to the White House, the Soviet Union, than negotiated what would become SALT II treaty which mostly froze the U.S strategic nuclear arsenal while allowing the Soviet Union to engage in what would become the largest nuclear arms build up in history. The treaty was in fact so bad Congress was unwilling to ratify it, even the majority of Democrats were unwilling to sign on to it. Years later former President Barack Obama in his first nuclear arms agreement with President Putin of Russia START II would agree to all Putins demands which included reducing our nuclear arsenal down to what the then cash strapped Russians could afford, limiting our early warning and anti ballistic missile deployment in Eastern Europe and even agreeing to give up on the Prompt Strike Weapon System ( a non nuclear alternative to strategic weapons the President himself had been pushing for ) all because Putin told him too. I can'...

Official Back off I have a crazy pitbull mom shirt

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Why should he retract it? That was a genuine reaction and it was far less disrespectful than inviting our enemy to the White House without consulting anyone. We need a few people in DC with backbones! You're musing on the opinion of a 9 year old, I doubt the child knows who Evel Knievel is let alone making apparent bias opinions due to skin colour. Have a word with yourself and calm your strange over opinionated self down. And let me guess, you did not teach her that she did not just climb rope and walk, but has studied the Official Back off I have a crazy pitbull mom shirt , balance and if anyone tried to be walking with no skill, they would die. you failed a teachable moment to write insipid comment about what drives another woman. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/back-off-crazy-pitbull-mom-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Black girl Don’t be salty shirt

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This is the issue. France would have preferred to ban Halal stores outright. However consumer choices are too powerful. It would have been imported from Germany or elsewhere which means France would lose alot of business. This is just a poor attempt at forcing integration. They probably realise that eventually Pork products may be phased out of mainstream supermarkets entirely if nobody is willing to sell it, due to the high demand for halal products. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/black-girl-dont-salty-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official I only love my bed and my dog I’m sorry pug shirt

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I'm in an older generation and I can't think of one acquaintance of mine that would act this way. If one of them did I would try to get them to see their doctor about Alzheimers. It can make people nutty and violent. What generation are you? I'm sure I can find a few dimwits of your age and overageneralize too. I am an older gen. i dont act this way, my relatives and friends dont act this way. but hey, i saw a woman in walgreens the other day, she couldnt have been 30, letting her kids run rampant through the store tearing it up. but thats ok, their young right? Buy it:  https://1stees.com/love-bed-dog-im-sorry-pug-shirts/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Circle of trust my olde english bulldog shirt

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My response to you have merely been to point out a different perspective and review the situation with an open mind and not with any bias attached to it. Where you see complaints, I see a young person with a young person’s development and added stress of a situation not created by her. We can certainly choose to view the situation differently. Good evening.  There was no way for them to legally immigrate! Please look at the visas. Mexicans cannot just immigrate here. That line doesn’t exist. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/circle-trust-olde-english-bulldog-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Skull Nurse I’ll stab you shirt

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OK everyone, calm down... Please, can 1 of you show me where I said to go in the Official Skull Nurse I’ll stab you shirt ? No, because I believe that is gross & unsanitary. Showing more skin, yes shows more body, but not "private" body parts as children are taught in school not to show. In fact, in 1 of the above pictures, 1 of the boys does have his hand over his mouth as if in shock & it looks like a family surrounding. Never said breast feeding shouldn't be done, just saying it is possible to be discreet. And I am by no means a prude! Lol, just ask Jill. And, I do not agree with the amount being bared in many clothing styles, but I have no more right to tell them to change their clothes than to tell someone how to feed a baby. Just pointing out there are 2 sides to the story. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/skull-nurse-ill-stab-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Pineapple Autism Awareness shirt

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I breastfed jace and never had an issue. You can do it with out exposing the whole breast. Nothing said about not doing it modestly but to tell a woman go feed her child in the bathroom or to cover up is crazy. You or I wouldn't like to do either so why should we be expected to feed our children there ?I dont get it it's ok for women to be sexual and show of their breasts and to go places like the Official Pineapple Autism Awareness shirt where advertising is everywhere for Victoria secret or even tv and that's ok but for a woman to feed her child people publicly shame her. That's wrong. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/pineapple-autism-awareness-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Official Anthony Bourdain shirt

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 But Jill, it used to be done so much more modestly when I was a child & when u was having children. Ladies would either cover up & it's not like a heavy blanket resting right on the face but just draped over. The other option was to DISCREETLY raise the shirt above the nipple, preventing the entire breast from showing. Now it seems like women feel the need to display the entire breast which isn't necessary. Breast feeding is great if you want to do it, but the entire breast doesn't need to be displayed. Would you walk around with something the size of a pacifier over your nipple & entire breast hanging out over your shirt if you weren't breastfeeding? My guess is no. Buy it:  Official Official Anthony Bourdain shirt Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Some say I don’t play well with others I say it depends on who it is and what they want to play shirt

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Actually we have to laugh at this as he has more than proved his collusion and in the back Official Some say I don’t play well with others I say it depends on who it is and what they want to play shirt of Putin and by his own words and apparences proved he is complicit. Please take a history course. And learn how to alalyze information. You’re a 🇷🇺 troll with a tenuous grasp of US politics. Trump couldn’t possibly ‘be there in 2024.’ That would be a third term which is impossible. Time to go back to US Civics 101 if you plan on continuing trolling us.  By the way, did Obama know the Bill Browder give Hilary 400. million for her campaign with Russian agents' help? Buy it:  https://1stees.com/say-dont-play-well-others-say/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Yes I’m Nurse no I don’t want to see it shirt

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His supporters are utterly brainwashed. Nothing he does or says seems to wake them up in the slightest. They just dig deeper into their adulation of this man and explain it all away as “fake news”. Some of us in the US are just watching in sheer dread and horror as all of this transpires. If ordinary folk wants to believe the "opinions" of US intelligence agencies with track records of lying, without their revealing any evidence, great. POTUS has the authority to view any evidence. If they do not show him evidence, he would be skeptical. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/yes-im-nurse-no-dont-want/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Colin Kaepernick: You don’t watch NFL for the anthem so if you don’t like the kneeling shirt

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 A republican (didn't catch his name) was on BBC radio this afternoon and he said the most concerning part is that trump is saying the US agencies are lying and putin is telling the truth. How can the US president not believe his own intelligence agencies! And how are his supporter's not seeing the blindingly obvious? Over 60% of us knew what a pile of garbage he was before the election. Thank our antiquated, out of date electoral college for giving the world George bush and Donald trump. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/colin-kaepernick-dont-watch/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Yeah well maybe Penguins are addicted to me ever think of that shirt

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Short Translation: Physician and psychiatrist observed the team and coach's physical and mental strength and decided to tell them the the sad news. After learning the news, they were all sad and cried. They wrote down messages on image of the late Sergeant. They observed Minute of Silenced and promised that they would be good person when they grow up. Everything is done under close monitoring from psychiatrist and therapist. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/yeah-well-maybe-penguins-are-addicted-to-me-ever-think-of-that-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Ram flag shirt

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This show was recorded before they learned about the death of Sergeant Saman Gunan. That's why they seemed to be very casual and carefree.  It's sad but always the way...At least they actually came together to pull off this extraordinary rescue rather than shoulder shrugging and leaving it as Thailand's problem. .  See, that wasn't such a problem when I was a child. People stuck together because they were all poor, so if you didn't help one another life could be pretty gruesome. But, as we got more and more comfortable and influenced by consumerism, individuality became more important than community. I think the internet can help to bring us together again, to be honest. We are able to share into other people's experiences and establish some bond with them, even when we have completely different backgrounds. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/ram-flag-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Tough enough to be a mom grandma crazy enough to rick them both shirt

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Trumps family over here dont want him here either. Poor Trump nobody wants him , so why dont they put him and Teresa May on a remote Island somewhere and let them live happily ever after together lol. Was just there in Mississippi and Tennessee. Tour ended in New Orleans. It was such a great holiday. Ate your southern food. Different but yum. Had to ask wait staff about everything! As there's a lot of spicy food. But you can keep your sweet tea. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/tough-enough-to-be-a-mom-grandma-crazy-enough-to-rick-them-both-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Green Bay Packers Groot shirt

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But only in American cold War mentality propaganda by the liberals and democrats. Who create false story's for the Official Green Bay Packers Groot shirt post to stir up anti Russian narrative for society. By doing this, America can keep her war machine going. Look it up and enlighten yourself. I know that I'm talking to an ignorant American who watches nothing else then mainstream media, and just assumes that everything that is true what they say, without a second thought. Such is American live, the whole world knows that. Americans needs to pull their heads out of the sand. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/green-bay-packers-groot-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Jack Skellington No you’re wrong so just sit there in your wrongness and be wrong shirt

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Well I guess I’ll just end this with I’m glad you are having a great go at life that you have no idea what I, or anyone in this video is talking about. Hope it continues that way! Comparing them to coal miners is not adequate. They are adults who knew the danger of their work and there have been drills and safety equipment in place. These Thai children are raised differently and I doubt that you understand what that means and I am not going to belabor something you probably won't understand. Whatever you believe will become of these Thai teenagers is MOOT, for you don't know them individually or culturally. Assumptions will always fail. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/jack-skellington-no-youre-wrong-just-sit-wrongness-wrong-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Rotten to the core bad apple shirt

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You will have to understand that Thai children are raised very different and they tend to deal with traumas different. It's more likely they will respond to their experiences very differently from the Western Cultures. You and the doctor assume to know what they are going through emotionally and how they would respond the way you would. Maybe and maybe not. This is why it's so important to have a psychologist understanding the cultural norm to meet these children personally and observe overtime to make the assessment. You and the doctor sound ridiculous. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/rotten-core-bad-apple-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Happy pill anti dispersant horse shirt

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the doctors did and the doctors were right, I survived childhood sexual abuse and as predicted I developed PTSD in adulthood. When you walk in the shoes of someone going through life threatening top tier trauma you’ll get a better view my friend, but I hope you never have to. Am I weak? Absolutely not. There is research and data backing all of this. You say don’t speak on what you don’t know, THIS IS A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL, this is a condition studied. SO YOU don’t speak on what YOU don’t know! Buy it:  https://1stees.com/happy-pill-anti-dispersant-horse-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official August guys with three side and the side you never want to see shirt

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You insult everyone who has been in a traumatic event. PTSD doesn’t care who you are or how strong you are before or after an event. It’s a change in the brain. It will happen regardless, you don’t have control over wether or not you develop it he brings amazing points. Its based on what has been very commonly experienced by many others in very similar situations. How is it possibly ridiculous? Buy it:  https://1stees.com/august-guys-three-side-side-never-want-see-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official There are difficult times shirt

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They want other ethnicities just to forget what happened without recognizing the consequences still faced to this day. And what about reparation of these terrible consequences? When is that coming into the conversation? We never get to this part because a good portion of the white ethnic groups doesn't even recognize racism exists.  Why do you doubt it? Could it be because the writers of slave songs are probably long dead? Or do you just assume that anyone doing something you don’t approve of is morally deficient in every conceivable way? Buy it:  https://1stees.com/difficult-times/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Retired corrections officer shirt

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You’re borrowing is our stealing. But your weight and everything belongs to you right? It’s the English way isn’t it? Northern Ireland, yours rock music, yours the music, laments, and sacred music of people you stole from Africa, that’s yours too right? by definition, is the act of taking something that belongs to someone else, for your own gain and purpose, and without permission of the owner. That means that every cultural interaction is appropriation? No, there are other forms of interaction when it comes to culture that leaves the participants enriched by the experience. That is when a cultural dialogue is created. The problem is: white people do not have the right to celebrate an art form that came from the pain and exploitation they imposed on other ethnic groups. Why is that so hard to understand? Buy it:  https://1stees.com/retired-corrections-officer/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Damon Vampire Diaries squad shirt

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Melissa Ashton too true and we could point at so many more examples people from Europe wearing Arab style scarves - me singing blues songs from the Deep South- what is going on? It used to be like this at the time when people fought for equality. I remember even in the 90s black kids gave me a huge smile when they saw me listen to Bob Marley. In the 60s, people of all colours fought for equality and to share culture. Now, they fight for segregation and isolation. Good job ruining what your ancestors fought for. Buy it: https://1stees.com/damon-vampire-diaries/ Home: https://1stees.com/

Official Death is inevitable so live life without fear shirt

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Such cruelty towards a mom asking for help. I wish I could have had a medium like Facebook when my kids where young. Lots of love and support to this wonderful mom I once asked my boyfriend to take out the  Death is inevitable so live life without fear shirt  and he broke up with me for “being too feminist.” I told him that being a caregiver isn’t my identity, and that there plenty of doormats out there for his boots.   Amazing that a woman has to ask for help taking care of both of their children! How about an even amount of work for BOTH parties? Since both work, how about he fixes half the meals, does half the shopping and doesn’t expect that taking care of the baby is her job. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/death-inevitable-live-life/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official I drink and I grill things that’s what I do shirt

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I was a stay at home dad for a long time. I loved it. I would much rather spend my time with a child I created than what i was doing before, which was climbing under houses or through attics laying traps and killing bugs covered in poison for 10 hours a day 6 days a week. Cleaning, buying groceries, laundry, wiping butts. Give it to me. I miss it.  Then I went home. This was years before cellphones so he didn’t know what was happening. I got home about 7 in the morning and he understood that parenting was a partnership and was much better for many months. I reminded him now and then that I felt like going for a long drive. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/drink-grill-things-thats/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official I became a caregiver because your life worth is my time shirt

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And if they are to be brought out of the cave before the rainy season (which lasts until September or October), they will have to learn basic diving skills to safely get through the dangerous corridors of muddy, zero-visibility waters. Thats Allah blessing. He is the Official I became a caregiver because your life worth is my time shirt . He only gives and takes life. A miracle and we should be indebted to Allah.  I was so shocked when i first visited the states about how few walkways or "sidewalks" there were in a lot of towns, cars being used for even the shortest journeys. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/became-caregiver-life-worth-time-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Autism mom are like buttons they hold everything together shirt

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It was always awful and when they are out of news they will bring up India and how awful the country is...as if the african countries and the middle east are heavens on earth. they bring out India or China and make them fight each other on the Official Autism mom are like buttons they hold everything together shirt . Just like they splitted India into Pakistan and India. Don't fall for it. This British govt gave up all it's looted wealth from India. They will go bankrupt and probably go into stone age. Their fake queen wears our looted 👑 on her head shamelessly. Their museum is filled with Indian looted wealth. Buy it: https://1stees.com/autism-mom-like-buttons-hold-everything-together-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official I am one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet Unicorn shirt

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Let’s face it when people are used to handouts then it becomes hard to get them to try to make a Official I am one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet Unicorn shirt . I can tell you in Reno it is hard to find people that want to work.Trump is creating minimum wage jobs in an era where we can’t survive off of them. Affordable wages aren’t happening and the I am one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet Unicorn shirt of living in almost every state is astronomical. Nobody in this country should be living on the street but the rich want to keep the poor the poorest so that’s the problem and trump doesn’t care about anyone if they’re not rich and white.US Ambassador to the store. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/one-nicest-people-youll-ever-meet-unicorn-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Life is hard coffee helps shirt

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Of coarse some wealthy numb nut is going to flush their money down the Life is hard coffee helps shirt on this over priced! and just for the rust is not even worthy buying it. you are buying an accident to happen members anarchist, communist and socialist attacked peaceful trump supporters holding a rally in support of the president. Tyranny will come in this country in a liberal wave Ronald Reagan. Hillary should buy it for the Life is hard coffee helps shirt campaign instead of renting the Air Force One.I’d fly in that before I’d listen to 10 words out of Maxine Water’s mouth. My sister went there for work and she had to have an escort everywhere. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/life-hard-coffee-helps-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official I drink coffee to burn off the crazy shirt

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This is why the  I drink coffee to burn off the crazy shirt  Party is the American ISIS using religion to brainwash people to believe enough so they can suppress them long enough to pass tax cuts for the rich to keep the poor. Anyone blaming illegal immigrants for this and not the fact that the top 1% have more money than all of the other 99% is delusional, racist and should eat a bag of dicks. I truly believe that if a person removed themselves from a terrible environment and situation that they have a better chance of surviving. When you make people victims and label them a victim they stay of victim. People don’t need to be patronized, they need a hand up and told they have to take responsibilities for their own life’s and their own situations especially when they reach the I drink coffee to burn off the crazy shirt of 21!Hang on hang on. Buy it:  https://1stees.com/drink-coffee-burn-off-crazy-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/

Official Cartel Ink: I’m tattooed as fuck but I still need cuddles shirt

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No one in America would have to go to bed hungry if we taxed the  Cartel Ink: I’m tattooed as fuck but I still need cuddles shirt  fairly.It’s everyone’s responsibility to help the people living in tent cities because one day it could be you. It wouldn’t matter if it was Democrats or Republicans, you would just want help. The UN is also the Cartel Ink: I’m tattooed as fuck but I still need cuddles shirt body that says Israel is the worst offender of human rights violations. He won’t pay any attention unless of course his great buddy Mr.But we are constantly worried about everyone else and their rights and not the American citizens that are already here struggling. Buy it: https://1stees.com/cartel-ink-im-tattooed-as-fuck-but-i-still-need-cuddles-shirt/ Home:  https://1stees.com/